Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ecclesiastes 3


  1. I'm guessing (though I could be completely wrong!) that this blog is the result of the Week 2 task of 23Things-n'at, right? If so, be sure to leave the blog's address (URL) in a comment on the 23Things blog.

    If not, excuse my rude interuption! : )

  2. Hi Marc from Wilkinsburg-It's Jane from Penn Hills. Hope you are doing well. Remember Lucy from the Post Office down at Carnegie in the olden days? Have you heard anything about her? Well, have fun learning all this new stuff!

  3. I read some of the ebook Cliff's Notes on Hamleet. It wasn't as difficult as I feared it would be.


  4. Hi Marc. When you are adding a new entry to your blog be sure to enter it as a new post.

    Did you use NetLibrary for the CliffsNotes?

  5. Hi Marc - yes, since some of us (me me!) have subscribed to your blog, make sure you're 'creating a new post' WAAAAAY up at the top of the page at the right. That way, any time you write anything or make an entry, we'll get a notice that there's something new to read and we can keep up with you're doing! Yay! Right now, the only text we're seeing is in the comments section.
